Profa. Dra. Liliana Maltagliati – DDS, MSc, DMSc
Education and Professional Activities
Dr. Maltagliati is an orthodontist (Certificate and Masters degrees), received her Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) degree in Oral Health and Dentistry from University of São Paulo/Bauru Dental School (Brazil) and has a Post-doctoral mini-residency in Orofacial Pains, from Minnesota University/School of Dentistry. She is a full-time professor at Professional Master Program and Graduate Education (Orthodontic Department) at Guarulhos University (SP, Brazil)
She is a member of the Editorial Board of Orthoscience Journal and member of the World Federation of Orthodontists.
Research Interests
Her main research field is the diagnostic and treatment of orthodontic treatment in adult patients, with great emphasis on patients with periodontal problems and orthodontic treatment using selfligating brackets. Other areas of research include: orthopedic treatment of class II patients, orthodontic mechanics, nickel titanium archwire behaviour, straightwire prescriptions and torque control.
Other highlights
Dr. Maltagliati has received some awards, including the Orthodontic Latin American Association Award for the 1st place in Clinical Table Presentation for 2 years consecutively, during the 11o and 12o Brazilian Orthodontic Congress of São Paulo Orthodontic Society, has received awarded honours for the 1st place in Oral Presentation during IX Orthodontic Congress of CRON-OM Association, Brazil Unit and also awarded honours for the 1st place in posterboard presentation during 4th Damon Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Maltagliati LA. Utilização dos elásticos intermaxilares nos estágios iniciais do tratamento ortodôntico Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract 2017. 10 (39), 131-145.
Rhoden FK, Maltagliati LA, Almeida-Pedrin RR. Cone Beam Computed Tomography-based Evaluation of the Anterior Teeth Position Changes obtained by Passive Self-ligating Brackets. The journal of contemporary dental practice 2016. 17 (8), 623-629
Cardoso MA, Saraiva PP, Maltagliati LA, Rhoden FK, Costa CCA. Alterations in plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation promoted by treatment with self-ligating and conventional orthodontic brackets Dental press journal of orthodontics 2015. 20 (2), 35-41
Paranhos LR, Ramos AL, Novaes Benedicto E, Maltagliati LA. Is there any association between facial type and mandibular dental arch form in subjects with normal occlusion? Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences 2014. 36 (1):129-134.
Maltagliati LA, Myiahira YI, Fattori L, Capelozza Filho L, Cardoso M Transversal changes in dental arches from non-extraction treatment with self ligating brackets Dental press journal of orthodontics 2013. 18 (3), 39-45
Kairalla SA, Cacciafesta V, Maltagliati LA, Paranhos LR. Ortodontia Lingual: evolução da técnica e os braquetes autoligados. Revista Clínica de Ortodontia Dental Press 2011. 10 (3):106-12.
Capelozza Filho L, Fattori L, Cordeiro A, Maltagliati LA Computed tomographic evaluation of inferior incisor position Dental Press J of Orthodontics 2008.13 (6), 108-117.
Miyahira YI, Maltagliati LA, Siqueira DF, Romano R Miniplates as skeletal anchorage for treating mandibular second molar impactions American J of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2008. 134 (1), 145-148.
Maltagliati LA, Montes LAP Analysis of the factors that induce adult patients to search for orthodontic treatment Dental Press J of Orthodontics 2007. 12 (6), 54-60.
Siqueira DF, Castro AMA, Júnior S, Maltagliati LA, Angelieri F Stability of surgical mandibular advancement using bilateral sagittal split osteotomy: a review Dental Press J of Orthodontics 2007. 12 (5), 126-132.
Maltagliati LA, Montes LAP, Bastia FMM, Bommarito S. Avaliação da prevalência das seis chaves de oclusão de Andrews, em jovens brasileiros com oclusão normal natural Dental Press J of Orthodontics 2006. 11 (1), 99-106.
Maltagliati LA, Henriques JFC, Janson G, Almeida RR, Freitas MR Influence of orthopedic treatment on hard and soft facial structures of individuals presenting with Class II, Division 1 malocclusion: a comparative study. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2004. 12 (2), 164-170.
Henriques JFC, Maltagliati LA, Pinzan A, Freitas MR. Estudo longitudinal das características da má-oclusäo de Classe II, 1ª Divisäo sem tratamento, em jovens brasileiros, leucodermas, por um período médio de 3 anos e 4 meses Dental Press J of Orthodontics 1998. 3 (3), 52-66.