
Courses PhD Program in Dentistry

Grants received

Financial support has been provided for Professors in the Graduate Program in Dentistry by research promotion agencies as indicated:

FAPESP research support

Profa. Dra. Magda Feres

Profa. Dra. Luciene Cristina de Figueiredo

Prof. Dr. Jamil Awad Shibli

Prof. Dr. Marcelo de Faveri

Profa. Dra. Poliana Mendes Duarte

Profa. Dra. Gabriela Giro Araújo

Prof. Dr. José Augusto Rodrigues

Prof. Dr. André Figueiredo Reis

Profa. Dra. Alessandra Cassoni Ferreira

Profa. Dra. Marta Ferreira Bastos

Prof. Dr. Bruno Bueno Silva


CNPq –Universal Call

Expression of RANKL and osteoprotegerin in different degrees of severity of perimplantitis. A human study.

Principal investigator: Poliana Mendes Duarte

Start Date: 02/01/2008; End Date: 02/01/2010

Case Number: 471282/2007-3


A clinical, microbiological, and immunological evaluation of the treatment of perimplantitis

Principal Investigator: Jamil Awad Shibli

Start Date: 11/20/2007; End Date: 10/20/2009

Case Number: 473282/2007-0



Metagenomic analysis of the subgingival microbiota in people with generalized aggressive periodontitis

Principal Investigator: Magda Feres

Start Date: 12/01/2014; End Date: 12/01/2017

Case Number: 459021/2014-100



The involvement of antagonists to the Wnt/ß-catenin signaling pathway in chronic periodontitis, together with risk factors

Principal Investigator: Poliana Mendes Duarte

Start Date: 01/12/2014; End Date: 12/01/2017

Case Number: 441367/2014-3


Evaluation of the bone tissue quality of patients taking alendronate. Study in humans.

Principal Investigator: Gabriela Giro

Start Date: 01/01/2017; End Date: 01/01/2019

Case Number: 421244/2016-0


Forgaty – NIH

Efficacy of combined periodontal therapies in Brazilians

Investigators: Magda Feres and Luciene Cristina de Figueiredo

Period: 2005-2008

Case Number: NIH Grant #1 R03 TW006269