El 1 de diciembre, el Postgrado en Odontología de la UNG Universidade recibió la visita de la investigadora y profesora Dagmar Else Slots de la ACTA University, Amsterdam. En esta oportunidad, la investigadora visitó la UNG Universidade, conoció sus laboratorios, Centro de Estudios Clínicos y
Ocorreu em Campinas entre os dias 03 e 06 de setembro de 2017 a 34º Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica, maior evento científico de pesquisa em odontologia do Brasil. Nesta oportunidade professores e alunos da pós-graduação em Odontologia (Mestrado e Doutorado) da UNG
Drs Andre Reis and Poliana Duarte, Professors of the Dentistry Graduate Program were invited to participate in the most important Dental Research Meeting in Chile, the Chilean Division of the International Association for Dental Research. The meeting was held at the Universidad Autónoma de Chile,
Professors of the MSc of Dentistry program as well as of the MSc of Orthodontics participated during the second semester of 2016 in the social project "Afternoon Learning" which aim to improve the knowledge of teachers of the public system of teaching on different issues. On September
On November, 16, 2016, oral hygiene instruction was carried out with 120 students from the 6th grade (about 11 years old) from Roberto Alves de Sousa State School, Guarulhos, SP, Brazil. For this activity, the company Colgate collaborated with brushing kits "Dr. Dentuço ", which were
A Profa. Dra. Magda Feres é membro do grupo do IADR chamado Women in science e durante o Congresso do IADR (Internacional Association for Dental Research) realizado entre os dias 22 e 25 de março, em São Francisco (EUA) realizou uma palestra em um simpósio organizado por este grupo
Professors Magda Feres, Luciene Figueiredo, Marcelo de Faveri and Jamil Shibli from Post-Graduate Program in Dentistry at UNG University attended the first LAOHA (Latin America Oral Health Association) workshop held from May 11 to 12th, 2017 in Piscataway/ New Jersey (USA).The idea
Professores do Mestrado e Doutorado da UNG Universidade participaram como palestrantes do XXVII Conbrape - Congresso Brasileiro de Periodontologia - que ocorreu na Universidade de São Paulo entre os dias 19 e 22 de abril de 2017. Na ocasião os professores Jamil Awad Shibli, Poliana Mendes Duarte,
Students and Professors from the Master’s Degree Program in Dentistry at UNG University, which includes the Masters and PhD courses, attended the International Association for Dental Research Congress (IADR), held from March 22 to 25th , 2017 in San Francisco (USA).The group of